News & Events

It is our pleasure to be appointed as the reseller of Leader Lab on 10 Mar 2021.
We have relocated today 23 Oct 2020 to the following address:
Unit 32, 5/F, Metro Centre II, 21 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

It is our pleasure to take part in Huawei Event on 30 Jul 2020.
Mark Li and Kevin Lau presents the Desktop Process Analytics (DPA) in Huawei Event on 30 Jul 2020.

ECS Forum on Brief Concept of Robotic Process Automation and Business Intelligence, and how they help reducing cost and assist timely decision making.
OTTL’s Business InSight Consultant KC Choy was presenting in the IET event, sharing concepts of RPA and BI with the members of IET on 2 Dec 2019 at IET premises.

OTTL supported Seeds of Art Charity Foundation, and it is our pleasure to receive the Certificate of Charity on 21 Jun 2019 during the Dinner Event hosted at The ONE.

OTTL is proud to receive the Partner Excellence Award from Verint Partner Garthering 2019 hosted in Australia Sydney.

OTTL did take part in the support the big day of Seeds of Art Charity Foundation!

OTTL was invited by Sangfor to take part in the Summit at the Bangkok of Thailand in Sep 2018.
Sangfor Technology shared the newest Security Appliance technology with partners and existing end-users.
OTTL is pleased to introduce this new Security Appliance Solution to the HK market.

OTTL is pround to announce that we are awarded the Caring Company Certificate 2017-2018.

OTTL is pround to announce that we are awarded the Caring Company Certificate 2016-2017.

On Talent Technology is now offering WiFi Access Point Rental promotion. Customers can set up their Guest WiFi promptly, and let their guests use free WiFi in their retail outlets.
Rental WiFi is extremely easy to manage and deploy in retail industries, guests can get access to the internet using their own facebook ID or wechat ID or passcode set up by the customers (Brand Owners).

OTTL joined the Computer Festival 2016 (19 Aug 2016 - 22 Aug 2016) at booth R35 to promote Sangfor's NGFW and Infortrend's GS storage solutions.

OTTL contributes to the
香港荷李活獅子會 共建深情在蘇屋
It is our pleasure to support the event "共建深情在蘇屋" organized by Lions Club Holly Wood Hong Kong, our Senior Sales Manager, Edmond Chiu, represents OTTL to receieve the certificate from Jasper Tsang Yok-sing.

OTTL sincerely welcomes the establishment of Repair Fairy, and it is our pleasure of us to take part in the Miracle Ceremony of Repair Fairy on 23 Jan 2016.

OTTL Engineer is pleased to receive the Contractor Competent Person Award from MTR on 3 Dec 2014.
The Presentation Ceremony is held at 2/F Theatre, FTRH of MTR.

OTTL is pleased to receive the Sangfor Outstanding Partner Award 2013 on 14 Jan 2014.

OTTL is pleased to join the Learning & Teaching Expo 2013 which is held on 12 Dec 2013 to 14 Dec 2013 at HKCEC.
OTTL brings the new product, the Next Generation Firewall (NGFW), from Sangfor. Together, the Sangfor's flagship product, Internet Access Management (IAM), is also displayed in the event.

OTTL Engineer is pleased to receive the Contractor Competent Person Award from MTR on 11 Dec 2013.
The Presentation Ceremony is held at 2/F Theatre, FTRH of MTR.

OTTL is pleased to receive the Partnering and Seamless Working Award from MTR on 21 Nov 2012.
The Presentation Ceremony is held at Grand Ballroom, Telford Recreation Club, Kowloon Bay.

OTTL is pleased to receive the eWIT 2012 Silver Award from MTR for the project "2012 MTR IMD Recorder to diminish the noise level in recorded voice messages"
The Engineering WIT Annual Presentation is held on 16 Nov 2012 at Yourth Square, Y-Studio, Chai Wan, Hong Kong.

On 24 Apr 2012, OTTL takes part in the 4th InfoSecurity Summit 2012 to bring in Motorola's Air Defense Solution in the show.
Air Defense provides a complete WIPS solutions to enterprises, together with Infrastructure Management, Security Compliance, and the most unique feature from Network Assurance Module to keep the WiFi network secure and proactively monitor the availability of the WiFi Network.

OTTL takes part in ICT 2012 to introduce the offerings from SANGFOR Technologies Co. Ltd.

11 Aug 2011 - OTTL contributed to the EWIT project in MTR, and won the Silver Award.
OTTL has been supporting Digital Voice Recording Systems in MTR since 2005, and OTTL contributed to the continuous improvement exercise in MTR and assisted the IMD department of MTR to prepare the project "To improve the remote access and diagnostic method of Digital Voice Recording System (DVRS)" and the team got the silver award eventually.

24 June 2011 - OTTL partners with Motorola Solutions in COMMUNIC MACAU
OTTL is pleased to partner with Motorola Solutions in the COMMUNIC MACAU (24 June 2011 - 26 June 2011)
The Booth is at B13, and we proudly present Motorola's WiFi products and also the TEAM phones solutions that is widely promoted in the Hotel industry.